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The Pros and Cons of Tethered vs. Non-Tethered AR & VR Headsets

One of the main decisions that businesses and individual users have to make when it comes to VR/AR is whether to go for tethered or non-tethered headsets.

For the past years, the adoption of virtual reality (VR) and other immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) have greatly increased. Studies show that in 2022 alone, the number of VR headset sales reached a total of 19.55 million worldwide, and that figure is even projected to increase even further in the years ahead.

And it's not just the gaming sector that's benefiting from the rise of these cutting-edge technologies — a wide range of industries are now utilizing VR and AR for various uses, including marketing, advertising, production, and many more.

One of the main decisions that businesses and individual users have to make when it comes to VR/AR is whether to go for tethered or non-tethered headsets.

In this post, we'll be discussing the pros and cons of both choices in order to help you decide which type of headset is best for you.

Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Tethered headsets are VR/AR headsets that are connected to a computer or gaming console via a cable. The HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR are all examples of tethered headsets.

Pros of Using Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Tethered AR/VR headsets offer several advantages. Some of them are the following:

Tethered headsets offer a more immersive experience

Since tethered headsets are directly connected to a high-powered computer or gaming console, they're able to offer a much more immersive and realistic VR/AR experience. This is because tethered headsets have access to all of the processing power that's needed to render virtual worlds and environments in real-time.

Tethered headsets tend to be more comfortable

Tethered headsets are also generally more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time since they don't need to rely on battery power and can be plugged into a power outlet if needed. This means that you won't have to worry about your headset running out of juice in the middle of a VR session.

Tethered headsets offer more accurate tracking

Another advantage of tethered headsets is that they offer more accurate tracking than their non-tethered counterparts. Tethered headsets are able to utilize external sensors and cameras to track your movements, which results in a more accurate and realistic VR/AR experience.

Cons of Using Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Tethered headsets also have a few drawbacks. Some of these disadvantages include:

Tethered headsets can be cumbersome to setup

One of the main disadvantages of tethered headsets is that they can be quite cumbersome to set up. Since it's literally tethered, you'll need to connect the headset to a computer or gaming console, which can be time-consuming.

The total costs of setting up can get expensive

Another drawback of tethered headsets is that the costs of all the equipment you need can add up. This is because tethered headsets need to be connected to high-powered computers or gaming consoles, which don't come cheap as well.

Tethered headsets can limit your movement

The fact that tethered headsets are connected to a computer or gaming console also means that they can limit your movement. Essentially, you will need to stay within the range of the tether in order to use the headset.

Non-Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Non-tethered AR/VR headsets, on the other hand, are not connected to any external devices and rely solely on their built-in sensors and processors. The Oculus Quest and the HTC Vive Focus Plus are examples of non-tethered headsets.

Pros of Using Non-Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Non-tethered headsets are, by far, the more preferred option to many AR/VR users. Some of the main benefits of using non-tethered headsets include:

Non-tethered headsets are easier to set up

One of the main advantages of non-tethered headsets is that they're much easier to set up than tethered headsets. All you need to do is put on the headset and you're good to go.

Non-tethered headsets are more portable

Another benefit of non-tethered headsets is that they're more portable since there are no external devices to lug around. This makes it much easier to take your VR headset with you on the go.

Non-tethered headsets are typically more affordable

Non-tethered headsets are also generally more affordable than tethered headsets since you don't need to buy any additional equipment.

However, depending on the brand you're buying, some non-tethered headsets can also be costly. Some high-end non-tethered headsets like the Oculus Quest 2 need to pack all the necessary hardware and components into a small and portable form factor, which tends to be more expensive.

Cons of Using Non-Tethered AR/VR Headsets

Of course, non-tethered headsets also have a few disadvantages. Some of the main drawbacks of using non-tethered headsets include:

Non-tethered headsets tend to have a shorter battery life

One of the main disadvantages of non-tethered headsets is that they tend to have shorter battery life since they're not connected to an external power source. This means that you'll need to charge your headset more often, which can be quite inconvenient if you're using it for its portability.

Non-tethered headsets can have lower specs

Since non-tethered headsets need to be smaller and more portable, they sometimes have lower specs than tethered headsets. This means that you might not get the same level of immersion and detail as you would with a tethered headset.

Tethered vs. Non-Tethered AR/VR Headsets: Which Is Best for You?

Both tethered and non-tethered AR/VR headsets have their own fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Deciding what kind of headset is best for you highly depends on your needs and preferences.

If you're looking for the best immersion and don't mind being tethered to a computer or gaming console, then a tethered headset is the way to go.

However, if you're looking for something that's more portable and convenient, then a non-tethered headset might be better suited for you.

If budget is the main deciding factor, then you might want to go with a non-tethered headset since they're typically more affordable.


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