Augmented Reality (AR)

How to Calculate the ROI of an AR Remote Support Solution

The value of remote support is even more amplified if it's made immersive through the use of technologies like augmented reality (AR).

Remote support is a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. By allowing service technicians to troubleshoot and fix problems without having to be on-site, remote support can save time and money, among many others.

The value of remote support is even more amplified if it's made immersive through the use of technologies like augmented reality (AR).

But many companies are hesitant to implement an AR remote support solution because they're not sure how to show a return on investment (ROI). After all, investing in new technology can be costly — and it's important to ensure that the investment is worth it.

Fortunately, there are several ways to demonstrate the ROI of an AR remote support solution.

AR Remote Support Solution and Its Benefits to Businesses

AR remote support refers to the use of augmented reality to provide remote technical support. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is through the use of smart glasses. With AR remote support, businesses can reap numerous benefits, including the following:

1. More efficient troubleshooting

AR remote support provides technicians with a first-person view of the problem even if they're not on-site. This allows for faster and more accurate troubleshooting, as technicians can see exactly what the issue is and how to fix it.

2. Reduced downtime

By allowing technicians to fix problems remotely, AR remote support solutions can help reduce the amount of time a business is down due to technical issues. This can result in significant savings, as every minute of downtime can cost a business an average of $5,600.

3. Improved customer satisfaction

AR remote support can also lead to improved customer satisfaction, as businesses are able to resolve issues more quickly and efficiently. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on technology to operate, such as e-commerce companies.

4. Increased revenue

The improved efficiency and customer satisfaction that comes with AR remote support can also lead to increased revenue for businesses. Happy customers are more likely to continue doing business with a company, and less downtime means more opportunities to generate revenue.

How to Calculate the ROI of an AR Remote Support Solution

ROI refers to the return on investment or the amount of money that is made as a result of an investment.

There are different ways to calculate the ROI of a solution, and one way is to subtract the benefits of the solution from the amount invested. You then divide the result by the amount invested, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if a company spends $1,000 on an AR remote support solution and it results in $10,000 in increased revenue, the ROI would be:

(($10,000 - $1,000) / $1,000) x 100 = 900% ROI

This means that for every dollar spent on the solution, the company would make $9 back.

How to Show a Return on Investment with an AR Remote Support Solution

Once you've calculated the ROI of an AR remote support solution, the next step is to show it to decision-makers within your company. Here are a few ways to do that:

1. Amount of time saved

One way to show the ROI of an AR remote support solution is to calculate the amount of time that it saves. This can be done by looking at the average time it takes to resolve an issue with and without the use of AR remote support.

Example: if it normally takes 2 hours to fix a problem on-site, but only 30 minutes with AR remote support, that's a savings of 1.5 hours per issue.

2. Cost of downtime

Another way to show the ROI is to calculate the cost of downtime. This can be done by calculating how much revenue is lost for every minute that a business is down.

Example: if a business loses $5,600 for every minute that it's down, and AR remote support reduces downtime by 1 hour, that's a savings of $336,000.

3. Amount saved on travel

You can also consider the amount of money that's saved on travel. This can be done by considering how much it costs to send a technician on-site versus providing support remotely.

Example: if it costs $100 to send a technician on-site, but only $10 to provide support remotely, that's a savings of $90 per issue.

4. Improved customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is another metric you can use. This can be done by looking at customer satisfaction surveys before and after the implementation of an AR remote support solution. If there is a significant increase in customer satisfaction, this is a good indication that the solution is providing value.

Factors that Influence the Cost of AR Remote Support Solutions

A few factors can influence the cost of an AR remote support solution. These include:

1. The type of solution

The cost of an AR remote support solution will depend on the type of solution that's being used. For example, a simple screen-sharing solution will be less expensive than a full augmented reality solution. Solutions that require additional functionality may also cost more, which we will discuss next.

2. The features included

The cost will also depend on the features that are included in the solution. For example, a solution with more features will be more expensive than a basic solution. The level of customization will also influence the cost, as it will require more time and resources to develop.

3. The number of users

Another factor that can influence the cost is the number of users. A solution for a single user will be less expensive than a solution for a large team.

4. The deployment model

The cost will also depend on the deployment model. A cloud-based solution will be less expensive than an on-premise solution.

5. The subscription term

Finally, the cost of an AR remote support solution will depend on the subscription term. A monthly subscription will typically be less expensive than a yearly subscription. However, some providers offer discounts for a yearly subscription.

What Are Some Examples of AR Remote Support Platforms?

AR technology has been adopted by many brands today, and there are several platforms that are offering AR remote support. Some examples include:

1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

Tech giant Microsoft offers an AR remote solution through their Dynamics 365 Remote Assist. It combines the AR functionality of the Microsoft HoloLens and the remote team collaboration features of Microsoft 365.

2. TeamViewer

TeamViewer is a remote support solution that uses augmented reality combined with smart technology. It offers several advanced remote support features such as 3D annotations, real-time information sharing and analytics, and optical character recognition (OCR).

3. Help Lightning

Help Lightning is an AR remote support tool that enables merged reality — that is, service technicians can virtually work side-by-side with their customers in real-time. They also offer enterprise-grade solutions for any kind of business.

Choosing the Best Partner for Your AR Remote Support

There's so much potential in using AR for your brand's remote support. While the initial investment can be huge, the returns can be significant. When looking for an AR remote support partner, it's important to find one that's experienced and offers a comprehensive solution. Help Lighting, for example, has worked with several different brands across all kinds of industries: from telecommunications, medicine/science, down to food and beverage, and many more.


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